Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This is crazy...

Okay, I realize that everyone's first actual race is nerve racking, but this is crazy! I've been jittery (and that's not the coffee, this is actual jitters) for two days now and the race isn't until Sunday. I wasn't this nervous when I was going into labor with my son.

One of my coworkers who has been a runner for many years and has run in quite a few races assures me that this is completely normal and that I won't be able to sleep on Saturday night. I still think that it's crazy...


Cindy and Robert said...

Good Luck! I haven't run a race yet so you are my hero! Someday soon I am hoping.

jen said...

Remember with your first race your not in it to win it...just have fun and enjoy the experience, it really is a lot of fun crossing that finish line with everyone cheering you on. Wish I could be there in the crowd cheering...or better yet running with you! Keep us all posted and let us know how it goes.

jen said...

It's me again...I actually started reading "Running for Mortals" as I started training for my half-marathon. My friend has read it and really enjoyed it, she said that there are some really great pointers for fist time runners. I didn't get to finish it...life just got too crazy for me to find time to sit and read. I'm hoping to get started on it again in the near future but I just got sucked into the Twilight series. Let me know how you like it.