Monday, September 29, 2008

Horribly lax in my blogging...

Okay, I've been horrible about blogging. The bad news is that I've been bad about everything lately. Cleaning my house, exercising, eating right, drinking water, etc. But, this is a new week. All I can do is look forward.

We all need some focus right now - the company that Michael work(ed) for has closed. They announced Friday (9/26) afternoon that they would be closing their doors for good at the end of the day. There are a lot of ways that this is frustrating, and I won't get into all of it here for many reasons. Suffice it to say that we are fairly stressed and a bit worried. We keep reminding ourselves that we have a good emergency fund in place (assuming that all banks and money markets don't go under in the coming weeks/months), which is more than can be said about a lot of his (former) co-workers.

So, because I have been bad about exercise for the last few weeks, I'm going to go back to walking for a couple of weeks to make sure that I have a really solid base built up for running. I'll be walking on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and doing yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Well, I'll do yoga on at least one Sunday because I told Ryan that I would take him to the athletic club to the yoga class so he could try it with a group.

I also want to work in some biking. Michael is going to borrow his brother's bike for a bit so we can go together. I'll try to pull a Mandy and take a few pictures on our ride(s). Everything is pretty and green right now (thank you moderate rain from the hurricanes).

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