Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Exercisio and the holiday weekend...

I have to say that even though I definitely over-ate over the course of the Thanksgiving weekend (not at one meal in particular, just over the entire weekend), but I did manage to exercise almost as much as I was supposed to. Granted, that couldn’t make a dent in the amount of calories that I ate, but at least I stayed moving.

I started doing longer running intervals last night (after yoga yesterday morning) – walk 3 minutes run 2 minutes for a total of 45 minutes. The first couple of intervals running were really, really hard, but then my body settled into the routine and by the end I only stopped because I had reached the prescribed time limit for the workout. The only issue was my shins. They are screaming at me to get new shoes, which I will do in about two and a half weeks. I’ve asked for them as my holiday present from Grandma. Like The Manz, I have flat feet and I tend to over-pronate, so I need the expensive shoes. Enter Grandma. Yea!

Michael is also getting back to the gym on a regular basis. Thank goodness – I think his body fat had ballooned to something like 5%... Heaven forbid!! I don’t think he’s really set any goals for his workouts, he’s just getting in a working out. He started this last week on week 4 of the Platinum Workout. This will be his third or fourth time through the program (if he completes it again). Crazy… But, he likes it and he’s got the arms and abs of a Greek God because of it, so I can’t complain.

I did yoga this morning and will do it again this evening before we go to FPU. Tomorrow morning is a session of walking with pickups followed by yoga tomorrow evening. Thursday is yoga morning and evening and Friday is another set of intervals (3/1) followed by a long session of walking on Saturday. I really want to get in and have my RMR and MAP tests done so I can keep a more accurate count of my caloric intake/burn rate, but I need to get a replacement heart rate monitor first. The connections on mine have managed to corrode just enough over the last two years to make it next to impossible to maintain a solid connection so partway through my workouts I suddenly see that my heart rate is 0 BPM.

I just need to figure out how to get it synched up with my watch so that they communicate once I get the new one… If anyone has any experience with Polar Heart Rate Monitors, let me know…

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