Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ugh! I need motivation...

Long story short, I loved my old doctor. She was awesome and then she moved. I hated the doctor that they shuffled me to in her old practice, so I put off going to the doctor for a while. I normally go for my yearly physical etc. in March, but I just went yesterday. I didn't want to go back to that horrible lady they assigned me to so I picked a guy with an office two blocks from my house. It turns out that he's really nice and I feel really comfortable with him (first male doctor I've felt comfortable with in many years) so I'll keep going to him. His office staff is very nice, it wasn't hard to get an appointment, he actually listed to my concerns and questions, validated them, and then answered them with what sounded like honesty. All of the things that you want in a doctor.

The one thing that was not nice was his scale. I know that I haven't been working out (and I've been majorly overeating), but come on! I really need some motivation to get back on the bandwagon.

My back felt better yesterday and almost back to good today, so I'm going to try some light yoga with minimal back bends before I go to bed this evening and see how it goes. Assuming that I don't kill myself in the process, I'll proceed to walking tomorrow. I'm going to repeat last week's scheduled workouts since I only did the first three. That will put me on doing walking/running intervals again on Friday.

It's so hard to climb back on the wagon after you fell off and it ran over you. Especially with the craziness that is the Holiday season and the end of the calendar and fiscal years at work.

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