Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Looking for inspiration...

Okay, I know that we all have this issue. Some more than others. Right now I'm having a hard time finding inspiration to actually get off my tush and exercise.

Looking at all of the empty space in my closet (because I have packed up anything too small for me and refuse to buy stuff to fit me at my current size) is doing nothing but pushing me toward depression. Of course, watching shows like "What Not to Wear" isn't helping... $5,000 to spend on a new wardrobe would be sooooooo nice...

Thinking about how good I'll feel when I drop more weight isn't helping. I can't get past my aching legs and back screaming at me after every run long enough to think about feeling good.

Watching my co-workers (who were gung-ho in the office weight loss challenge a few months ago) inching back up in size just makes me feel sad for them. It does nothing for my motivation. The fact that I've stayed the same weight for the last month is fine. At least I haven't been gaining. Right? Such a poor excuse for only working out the minimum amount suggested in my training program...

I'm planning on going to a Fitness Yoga class tonight to kick my butt into gear. Of course, I won't be able to kick anything, much less my butt, when I get up tomorrow, but that's what the 2 mile training run is supposed to take care of - loosening up those screaming muscles.

Wish me luck!

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