Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I dragged my tush out of bed early this morning (okay, compared to when I usually get up to work out, I was sleeping in) to go to the club to get a body age test done. After doing my 5 minute fitness test on the treadmill to measure my VO2 max, I did the strength test, weight, flexibility test, and body fat measurements. I am happy to announce that while I am chronologically 31 years old, my body is only 29. Is that great? No, but it's okay. It could be worse. When I first had this done two years ago, I was chronologically 29 but my body age was 34. So, there is some improvement. I have a ways to go if I'm going to catch up to Michael - he just turned 35 and his body age is 21.

1 comment:

Cindy and Robert said...

Yay for you!!! Keep it up!!!